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In 2010, The City of Chicago, awarded Bluff City Materials, Inc. (Bluff City) a prime contract to manage soils and debris derived from capital infrastructure programs managed by the city.  Since the beginning of the contract, Bluff City has managed over 5,490,950 tons of construction related soil and debris.  Since its inception, the quantity of material managed has increased substantially and in 2017 alone, Bluff City managed over 787,818 tons of soils though its facility.  In concert with our other clients, Bluff City processed over 2,158,118 tons of soil and debris in 2017.


Bluff City designed, constructed, and now operates a 35-acre facility to accept and process the soil and debris. Soils are evaluated and analyzed by BCM’s environmental staff for acceptance under the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s LPC-662 and LPC-663 Clean Construction or Demolition Debris (CCDD) certification process. Each inbound load of soil and debris undergoes a thorough visual and instrument screening process at the facility, in accordance with applicable permit requirements. Upon completion of the entire screening process and acceptance of soils and/or debris, the material is staged on-site for processing and handling.  The soils are processed mechanically to remove debris, concrete and asphalt, which are recycled by BCM for asphalt production and aggregates The facility handles over 600 truckloads, or 3,500 cubic yards, of soil daily.  Processed soils are sent offsite, by barge or truck, for mine reclamation, site development or other beneficial reuse purposes.


To effectively manage the increasing daily volumes of soil and debris received at its facility, Bluff City developed a computerized logistics management system to properly direct the transportation (trucks and barges), scheduling, and processing aspects of this operation. The system monitors and schedules inbound and outbound materials, ensures compliance with environmental permit requirements, and assists in achieving company objectives with respect to Safety & Health.



  • Manages over 787,818 tons of soils and debris in 2017

  • The project has managed over 5,490,950 tons of soil since 2010

  • Manages the logistics and scheduling of over 600 trucks per day

  • Processing, screening and staging for off-site management of 3,500 cubic yards of soil daily

  • 0 reportable incidents during the last 3 years

  • Relevance to project: Material Management, Logistics, Transportation, Disposal


Contract Value: $220,000,000.00 +

Performance Dates: 2010 – Current



2250 Southwind Boulevard
Bartlett, Illinois 60103



630 497 8700

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